OSR Report
Offer Spread Report generated from .NET, data shown is from SQL Database
I am a full stack software developer who is eager to build the technology of tomorrow
I build full stack applications primarily using .NET 6, React, and Express (NodeJS).
When not at my day job, I enjoy working through Udemy tutorials to expand my coding skills, playing tennis, and reading.
Want to learn more? Download Resume
Chart displaying procurement analytics, made using Highcharts JS
Offer Spread Report generated from .NET, data shown is from SQL Database
Rendered using Apache Echarts, .NET interoped with Rust, data shown is from a Mongo Database
A NextJS/TypeScript application where authenticated users can browse courses and add them to their cart as well as checkout via Paypal or Stripe
A SignalR powered, real-time chat messaging application where users can join rooms and communicate with others in the same room